INSERT Statement

As the name suggested the INSERT statement help us to insert values to a table. SQ L queries for perform the INSERT operation are the following.

If you want to insert values for the entire table, you can use the following query.
INSERT INTO Table_Name VALUES(value_1, value_2,.........value_n);

              INSERT INTO Student VALUES('RESHMI', 'MAVELIKARA', 121, 350);

It is note that the string values are always associated with single or double quotes. ('' or ""). The query execution in MySQL is shown bellow.

If you don't want to insert the entire table, then you can use the following query.
INSERT INTO Table_Name (column_1, column_2,..... column_n) VALUES (value_1, value_2,.........value_n);

If i want to insert values only for columns  name and address of table Student, then i use the following query.

INSERT INTO Student (name, address) VALUES ('RUPESH', 'HARIPPAD');